Most student loan calculators on the web assume that you're already in repayment and have consolidated your loans. The calculators on this page, however, will allow you to estimate your monthly payment whether you've graduated or are still in school.

When you're in school, you may have loans from several different sources. The calculator allows you to enter up to 10 different loans amounts and then estimate the amount of interest that will capitalize on the principle balance you originally borrowed and your monthly payment. 

For more information on capitalization click here.

Calculator instructions:

  1. Under "principal," enter the original amount borrowed for each loan.
  2. Under "interest rate," enter the interest rate for each loan.
  3. Under "Number of Months Until Repayment," enter the number of months that your loan will accrue unpaid interest before repayment begins. If you're already in repayment, or the loan is subsidized, enter "0."  
  4. Under "Repayment Period," enter the total number of months for your repayment period. For example, if you're on a standard repayment schedule of 10 years, you would enter "120" (12 months * 10) 

*This calculator is only meant to be an estimate of your student loan debt. The calculator makes no guarantees as to accuracy, and you should contact your loan servicer for more specific information.*


Student Loan Refinancing Options

There are several companies that now offer refinancing services that can lower your monthly payment and save you money in total interest paid over the life of your loans. Check out some of the more popular options below and play around with the Refi Payment Calculator below to see how refinancing could affect you. 

Company Interest Rates Low-High
5 years 7 Years 10 years 15 years 20 years
Commonbond Fixed: 3.37% - 5.99%

Variable: 2.35% - 5.27%
4.00% - 6.49%

2.67% - 5.40%

4.49% - 6.74%

3.15% - 5.65%

Hybrid*: 3.75 - 6.31%
5.00% - 6.74%

3.52% - 6.02%
5.25% - 6.74%

DRB Fixed: 4.20% - 5.90%

Variable: 3.64% - 5.29%
4.30% - 6.49%

3.69% - 5.49%
4.50% - 6.75%

3.74% - 5.69%
4.90% - 6.99%

3.84% - 6.04%
5.15% - 7.20%

3.94% - 6.29%
SoFi Fixed: 3.375% - 5.990%

Variable: 2.365% - 5.290%
4.000% - 6.490%

2.665% - 5.415%
4.490% - 6.740%

3.165% - 5.665%
5.000% - 6.740%

3.540% - 6.040%
5.250% - 6.740%

3.790% - 6.290%
*Commonbond's Hybrid loan is set at a fixed rate for the first five years, then switches to a variable rate for the last five years